17 07 2008

One months later is our Independence day ceremony , yups 17th August 2008 . its already 64th our country declared the freedom as a free country. 17th August 1945

So many news was give us as a bad country , terrorism , corrupt country number one in the world , poor country . But , as a one of young generation in this country , i just want to write to all the people in the world , we still same country , we still have a kindness person , we still have a good place to visit if you want to have a pleasure for traveling.

Sorry if i don`t have a good English Language here .

Event we are have number one population moslem in the world with bad view , i still can say , there is a peace between moslem and another religion .

There is a proud in my heart as an Indonesian citizen , became a part of this country , same like all the people in the world proud of their country .

Why , if we can shake our hand , stand beside , together life’s in harmony , peace and with green world , cause we are same , human , live in same planet , EARTH.

So i just want to tell you that in Indonesia there is still so many things in good happening , unfortunately not all was blow up to the world , only negative things.

So… if you want to know more about Indonesia , please visit this site , maybe some in Bahasa , cause i very proud with my mother tongue .

There is some pictures interesting in this country .

So… lets built up this world together , with peace and harmony ..

save our earth , save our children , save our future in to the better way



35 responses

17 07 2008

I agree bout lets get harmony or welfare in this country, but as usual independence day only ceremonial, no affect for welfare and more better condition, lets see what happen next in Indonesia, hopefully everything fine, but iam not sure šŸ˜¦

17 07 2008
satya sembiring


u english very well

17 07 2008

Translate ke bahasa sunda atuh kang … šŸ™‚

17 07 2008

I think Indonesia is a big city *wakakak, prkataan siapa ya it? :mrgreen:

17 07 2008

*komen serius*

Good jobs bro.. I hope someday, I could write in english too, like the others do..

18 07 2008
budhi firman

im agree with you, theres a lot beautifull things in Indonesia. It seem media become unfair publishing indonesia, such as terrorist etc.
lets begin with simple thing, spread the news that indonesia is worth to visit.
nice article, thanks for visiting and leave a comment at my site.

18 07 2008

now here’s something I’d like to see ..

18 07 2008

i think this year is 63rd.
excellent for try to english šŸ˜€

18 07 2008


*sebenarnya gak ngerti* :mrgreen:

18 07 2008

But still racist everywhere except Bali, mostly in Sumatra. Start from children in SD Negri to adult in social matter.
And the most important thing, the electricity is sucks… off 2 times a day, and thats ridiculous…

18 07 2008

save our earth , save our children , save our future in to the better way

yeah …….save our country, save our islam, save our belief

18 07 2008


18 07 2008
Yari NK

There are both good things and bad things happening in our beloved country: Indonesia. As a good citizen, we have to keep up all good things and we have to drive away all bad things. It seems easier said than done. But I believe if all Indonesians have one voice to improve the condition, we can break all the impossibilities and converting all good hopes into advantages enjoyed by the people nationwide! šŸ™‚

18 07 2008

maybe we have to speak in english well if we want to share the amazing things in Indonesia for the foreigners. It’s a great way…hehe, your english is quite good bro..

18 07 2008

Big country & Rich culture, thats my country, Indonesia šŸ™‚

boleh koreksi gak ? :
“Event we are have number one population moslem in the world with bad view”
seharusnya :
“Even we are have number one population moslem in the world with bad view”

piss ah šŸ™‚


18 07 2008
Yari NK

Maksudnya mungkin:

“Even Indonesia is the largest Muslim country in the world with bad reputation…..”

18 07 2008

i agree with 2nd sentences……”Even Indonesia is the largest Muslim country in the world with bad reputationā€¦..ā€

18 07 2008

bisa les privat nggak nih!

18 07 2008

i agree with that..

*pura2 ngerti aja šŸ˜›

18 07 2008

heal the world… make it better place

for u and for me and the entire human race

huhuhuhu jadi pengen karokean dah!!! šŸ˜€

18 07 2008
achoey sang khilaf

Auooooo Indonesia
Bisaaaaaaa šŸ˜€

18 07 2008

haw du’ yu’ du’,..yaahh…

18 07 2008

Oh no!

Btw i’m back! šŸ˜†

18 07 2008

yes no, and one yes, and no..

18 07 2008

i agree with you, thats only, cos’ don’t know many words in english

18 07 2008

It’s a good writing, sir!
Baru X ini nulis in “Englang”.
No hope will be come true if we do nothing for it. Indonesia…. bisa!

18 07 2008
Rafki RS

Don’t be pesimist. Harmony and peace will come to this country. God bless this country.

18 07 2008

iyaaa..!!! q stuju.. lets live in peace and harmony.. šŸ™‚

19 07 2008

Indonesia tanah air siapa? Katanya tanah air beta… Indonesia sejak empat lima, katanya rakyat sejahtera. Tangan kiri diangkat dan terkepal sambil menyanyikan lagu ini.

Hiks… Selama masih ada bajingan2 di DPR dan Pemerintahan, Indonesia ga akan berubah menjadi lebih baik. Mudah2an 2009 rakyat indonesia ga salah pilih. Milih pake hati, bukan pake duit!!!

19 07 2008

save the turles jugaaaaah! uhuhuh…

19 07 2008

(bukan Harmoni jakarta)
Living in Harmony this is our dream isn’t it! Deal!!
Paling tidak kita awali dengan Peace & The Harmony on the blog, right?

19 07 2008

alhaill indonesia..

20 07 2008
budhi firman

pake bahasa indonesia ah, biar jelas maksudnya…
dengan kondisi Indonesia saat ini, kita terlalu banyak menyalahkan pemerintah. kalau emang ingin mengubah nasib indonesia, mulailah dari hal sekecil-kecilnya…dari diri sendiri.

24 07 2008

nice writing. never give up friend. blogwalking ne!!!!

24 07 2008

Hem ini jawaban buat semua komen nyang udah masuk
makasih ya
Inti dari tulisan ini adalah lebih menggambarkan pada dunia tentang sisi lain Indonesia nyang indah , selain dari berita2 negatif nyang selalu muncul di media kita dan media asing
ibaratnya ini salah satu perwujudan rasa cinta saya terhadap negeri ini
gimana nyang lain setujuuuuu????
jadi mari beri gambaran nyang positif tentang INDONESIA

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